Should Kids Lift Weights?

Weight training and High-Impact training for kids.

Don’t worry, I am not going to get technical with stats and percentages. I’m going to make this simple and relatable for everyone. How many times have you heard…”Kids should not use weights…it will stunt their growth”…Countless times I am sure. I can find countless articles that contradict that and on the flip side I can find articles supporting that. As a parent of two boys who do Crossfit I can tell you I am 100% confident in having them use weights. 

But let’s define “weights”, and more importantly “weights” when it applies to our program. Age appropriate weights is how I’ll describe it.

  • I want you to picture an 8 year old girl holding a set of 2lb-3lb dumbbells doing some shoulder presses.  Now picture a coach beforehand demonstrating proper movement. Can the child demonstrate proper movement without weight? If so, then let’s see how they perform the movement using a very light load. If they can they get to use that weight for the workout. If not, they don’t use a weight. 

Simple as that in our program. The coach dictates what weights are used because we all know little ones, they will grab the heaviest weight they can. It’s in their nature to do that. Weights used are earned through demonstration of movement. The Crossfit Kids training program does not advocate maximal lifts for kids and preteens. We do however advocate supervised low load weight training.  Something to keep in mind however, is how heavy is your child’s back pack?  What types of things do they move around and life on a daily basis?  I will say, much heavier than what we have them lifting in class.  And we are teaching them how to lift those things with proper form.

When our youth are playing their respective sport the force applied to their bodies during play is far greater than those we use in our program. Our application is also done in a controlled setting with no outside variables such as sport. The unforeseen variables in sport pose a far greater risk of injury. Making your child’s muscles and joints stronger will help prevent injury on the field and in everyday life. Helping them move better through proper range of motion will benefit them for their entire life.

Along with age appropriate weight training we also add in high impact training which has huge benefits for your child. These are movements like running, box jumps, and broad jumps just to name a few. Read this article for benefits of high impact and weight training in our youth.

Any application of load in any exercise program for anyone needs to be done so correctly. Especially in our youth and our coaches are trained to do so. Explanation, demonstration, correcting of faults, and “earned” loads will keep your child safe and that is Crusher’s number one priority. 

Looking for a place to keep your child active?  Athlete or not –  we would love to help.  Our program is designed for any child of every level.  Email Geo@CrusherCrossFit.Com for more information!


Coach Geo

Meet Connor – Teen Athlete!

Teens Athlete Spotlight (November 2019)


Athlete – Conner Epping

Age – 15

Member since – March 2017


I want to introduce you to one of our amazing Teen athletes, Conner Epping. He puts in the hard work and he is an absolute joy to coach. Conner is part of one of our many families who “Fitness” together here at Crusher CrossFit. His parents Alanna, Joe, and sister Brenna are all part of the Crusher Family. Recently they were seen doing the “CrossFit Open” together as a family in the same heats. Very cool and very inspiring to see as they pushed through very tough workouts along side of each other while the Crusher community cheered them on. 

I recently sat down with Conner for a little Q&A


Why did you start CrossFit? My Mom and Dad started and they would talk about it at home. I knew they loved it and they inspired me and I gave it a shot.

Do you enjoy CrossFit? I love it. 

Why do you enjoy CrossFit? It helps me mentally. It has made me more confident. Both in the gym and at school.

Were you nervous to start? Yes, very. But not anymore. I look forward to coming now and challenging myself.

Do you play a sport? No. Crossfit is my sport.

Do you think CrossFit helps you in your academics? Yes, it has taught me to focus more. It also helps with my headaches and anxiety. I feel much better when I come to class.

Have you talked to friends about CrossFit? Yes. My friends Joey and Trevor joined. I like when we all can work out together. It’s fun.

What is your favorite movement? Rowing

What is your least favorite movement? Burpees. I hate those things. (“Conner, I feel your pain here man” – Geo)

Do you like working out with Mom and Dad? Yes, they inspire me to try harder. It’s pretty cool.

Do you plan to continue with CrossFit when you become an adult? Definitely. 

Do you like your coaches? Yes, they are fun and they help me with each workout. They give me scales and tips to get through the workout.

As a coach of Conner I can tell you this kid is awesome and we are the lucky ones that get to coach him. The Epping family continues to inspire all of us and we look forward to seeing them all continue their fitness journey with us. 


If you feel encouraged to try something new like Connor did, email me at Geo@CrusherCrossFit.Com – I would love to help.


Coach Geo


Does Your Child Need More Confidence?

Have you ever seen a child frustrated in a sport? Or gym class? We have all seen it. All the kids on the team are asked to do the same thing. And yes that is what sports are about, right? But sometimes that can lead to a child being dejected that they aren’t as good as someone else. This is even more evident in youth athletics as they get older. Even more so as they transition into high school sports where cuts are made and some kids aren’t even able to get on a team. Most of us won’t continue with a team sport past these years.

In CrossFit we aim to build confidence in every one of our athletes. In our Adults and especially in our little ones. Are all of our athletes the same? No, of course not. All of our athletes vary in both physical and mental capacities. But that’s the beauty in our programming and our expert coaches.  It is tailored to your or your kids specific need. And they will not feel singled out.

  • We adjust our workouts to match the “age appropriate” stimulus for each of our age groups. (We start at age 3!)
  • We then adjust weights, reps, and even the movements for each young athlete. Giving each their own workout that they can accomplish. We have a specific time domain that we want every athlete to finish in. 
  • This builds confidence, rather than them being frustrated and maybe even embarrassed that they can’t do what others are doing.
  • As coaches we give them realistic and challenging goals that they can accomplish. There is nothing better than seeing our kids do that “box jump” they didn’t think they could do. That “handstand” hold they were worried about. 
  • Our program enhances athletic performance. Making your child an all around better athlete makes them more confident out there on the field, court, and ice. Whatever their sport is. We make them better at it.
  • Boosting confidence leads to higher self-esteem.

Come join us. We are building stronger, faster, and most of all more confident little athletes. Our coaches are dedicated to making your child’s fitness journey with us one that they will enjoy. Our focus on safety, sportsmanship, self-discipline, hard work will directly translate to their everyday life outside of the gym.


Coach Geo

4 Ways to Help Kids Eat Healthy!

It’s no secret. How we fuel our bodies makes a big difference. Our kids need a healthy eating lifestyle as well. Here are a couple of easy ways to help.

  • Breakfast…A healthy breakfast will keep your child full and focused for the first few hours of school. Avoid the easy cereal option that’s loaded with sugar. This causes a quick burst of energy followed by dropping blood sugar levels.  Try these easy options.
      • Eggs with toast and some cut up fruit.
      • Low-Fat Low-Sugar yogurt
      • Oatmeal with some mixed in berries. Play with different textures of Oatmeal until you get it to their liking.
      • Healthy muffins
  • Healthy Snacks…Avoid the candy, cookies, and chips. Add in some fruit, nuts, trail mix, even popcorn can be a better alternative. Don’t force them to eat something, try a few things and you’ll find something they like and can enjoy.


  • Hydration…Water, water, and more water. Hydration is key but we also need to avoid sugar filled sodas and juices. Flavor up their water with some low-calorie flavored mix, ice tea, unsweetened sparkling water, and low fat milk are all good options.  Best practice is to drink when you’re thirsty. Drink something with electrolytes before, during, and after physical activity.


  • Lead by example… We as parents play the biggest role. Our kids will eat what we eat. Eat better and they will eat better. Learning healthy eating habits now will guide them to a more healthy adult lifestyle.

Can CrossFit Improve Your Child’s Academics?

Believe it. We can help in this area! Not only do we enhance your child’s physical fitness, our program also enhances cognitive development. As stated in the article below, “Crossfit will supercharge the child’s cognitive and physical growth.”


Read more here


“CrossFit Kids uses the natural process of motor development to increase learning effectiveness and efficiency. Instead of confining a child’s development with rules and movement limitations of sports while running the risk of contributing to the detrimental effects of overspecialization, CrossFit Kids uses a child’s natural propensity for constantly varied movement by using constantly varied movement.”


  • It is proven that our brain function is higher after physical activity
  • Our class structure promotes learning, adapting, and a higher level of focus
  • It’s no secret, exercise can help your child “recharge” after sitting in school all day. 

So what are you waiting for?  Sign them up today!  Visit our website or email me at Geo@CrusherCrossFit.Com for more information.

Get your kids active!

Nobody wants to do something that isn’t fun right? Well that is something we take to heart here at Crusher Crossfit. In particular with our Kids program. Ask any one of our kids, they enjoy our classes. Sure they are getting a great workout in. Sure we are asking them to work hard. We are getting your child “more fit” but we also know how to make it a FUN experience for them.

Here’s How:

  • In every class, we incorporate a game. We make it active and we make it fun. Most classes even have two, one for a warm up and then one to end the class.
  • Encouraging your child throughout the class, making them laugh and smile. 
  • Positive reinforcement every chance we get.
  • We incorporate team and partner warm ups. Nothing like seeing kids getting that little competitive edge going. We keep these fun and we encourage the teams to cheer for their teammates. 

What’s even better than having fun with a game? The smile on a child’s face when they accomplish a movement or workout they thought they couldn’t have done. That’s what we love to see. We set up our little athletes for success. Our coaches know how to adapt each workout for each child so they can complete the workout and feel good about themselves.  Interested in getting your kid involved?  Email Geo@CrusherCrossFit.Com or head to our programs page and take a look at our options.  Ages 3 and older can participate! 

Getting your kids into an ACTIVE LIFESTYLE!


Does this sound familiar?

  • “Put your phone down”
  • “You need to stop playing Xbox”
  • “Get outside and play with your friends”


In today’s age that is all too common when we parents are looking at our kids sit inside and not being active outside. How do we combat this? Signing them up for sports and activities is a great start.. But how about signing them for a program that will help them excel at their sport?  Not in sports? How about a program that simply gets them moving. We have the ability to help your child become a stronger well as the ability to simply teach your child about body awareness and moving properly. And it is fun!


Getting them prepared to maintain an ACTIVE LIFESTYLE as they become adults is so important. And this is where our Crossfit Kids Program comes into play.


Crossfit Kids Program!

  • Small group class led by a certified Crossfit Kids Coach
  • Teaching them the 10 General Physical Skills (Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, & Accuracy)
  • Improved athleticism and sport performance
  • Builds confidence
  • 30-60 minute class structure optimizing your and your child’s time
  • Class options for ages 3-18
  • Fun and varied workouts keeping them focused and interested
  • Teaching them safe and proper movement
  • Teaching them proper age group intensity levels that will develop mental toughness
  • Depending on age, that is what determines the class agenda
  • Boost to social skills
  • Increased knowledge of healthy habits

Our Classes are tailored specifically to the age and ability of your child.  Stop in for more information and to try us out!


Keep your Kids Active

DIY Kids Obstacle Course

Want a fun activity for your kids that will help get them moving?

You can create a backyard obstacle course… all with things you already have at your house!

The way kids exercise is by jumping, rolling, running and overall playing. Here are a few ideas to get you started!

  • Cones – Use these to run around, zig zag, or even jump over
  • Hoola Hoops – These can be used to jump through, pick up and hoola hoop, or do an action in them like “Squat” or “5 Jumping Jacks.”
  • Slide – Put a slide mid way through the course – every kid loves a slide!
  • Inter tube – Jump in and out
  • A Towel – Lay this out and when they reach the towel, they do a forward roll on it!
  • Step Stool – Climb it and Jump off (be sure it isn’t too high depending on age)
  • 2×4 – Lay it out and they can work on their balance… think balance beam

As you can see, there are many different items that you probably already have at home! Anything you can think of to jump over, crawl under, roll on, balance etc.. It will work.

Now get your creative juices flowing and go create a fun obstacle course for your kids! {If it is hot – add a sprinkler!}

Next on the agenda? Have your kids rearrange the course you built, and create one on their own.

Teens Who CrossFit – Alec

Up to the Challenge

Alec – Junior at Waconia High School

What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
I think the biggest thing that brought me to crossfit is the community. Crossfit is a very challenging activity but with the community there supporting you it feels a lot easier and more inviting.

What was your first impression? How has that changed?
At first I was very intimidated of Crossfit as a whole but after working through on-ramp and relearning everything, I felt way more confident and I became way more interested in Crossfit

What was your first “proud moment?”
My proudest moment at Crusher was when I got my first bar muscle up and ring muscle up in the same day

What are you working on now?
Right now I’m trying to get more hip movement in my snatch and clean and jerk.

What is your favorite Crusher Memory?
My favorite Crusher memory so far has to be my first open workout. It’s so fun to see everyone there cheering you on like a sports game.


Teens Who CrossFit – Makenna

Teens Who CrossFit

“I Want to Get Better”

Makenna – Junior at Mayer Lutheran High School

What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
My dad was the reason I first started. He kept telling me to try it and eventually I got so annoyed that I gave in!

What was your first impression? How has that changed?
I was terrified of everyone in the beginning. I wanted to stick with coach Jen because she was the first person I knew. Now I love going and seeing everybody and getting to know them. It makes the workouts more fun!

What was your first “proud moment?”
My first proud moment was when I did my first banded pull up.

What are you working on now?
I am working on everything. I just want to get better.

What is your favorite Crusher Memory?
My favorite Crusher memory was the first partner workout I ever did. Coach Jody was my partner and I was really struggling at the end so Joe G did burpees and box jumps with me until I finished. That was actually the day I decided to stick around.