Coach Goals 2019


Coach Jake has some real goals for 2019 – Have you set yourself a fitness goal for the year?  How about Personal?  Check out what you will see Jake working on!

  • Handstand push up – which in turn will help with upper body strength
  • Maintain consistency with nutrition and lose 25lbs by the Memorial Day Murph – and keep it off all year!

As you set a goal – remember to ensure it is something you can measure – and set a date.  Setting a short term goal and a long term goal is a great idea!

Coach Jake set a goal for 6 months out – losing 25lbs by focusing on nutrition.  And his long term goal is to get a handstand push up by December 31, 2019.

And the last note to remember – when you set yourself a goal- share it with someone, it will help you stay accountable!  Now that you all know Jake’s goal – don’t be afraid to ask him about them, and share yours as well!

Stay tuned for more of your favorite coach’s and their goals for 2019.

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