
Crusher CrossFit – Waconia – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Grab a purple band

:30 Seconds

Quad Stretch

Knee To Chest

Banded Pass Throughs

Active Samson

Active Spidermans

Banded Pull Aparts

Air Squats

Push-up to Down Dog

Banded Good Mornings

Banded Walks

Take 10 steps in each direction, followed by 10 squats. Repeating this for 5 steps in each direction and 5 squats.

Barbell Warmup

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Strict Presses

5 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

5 Front Squats


45 Sec of Each

Squat Hold

Childs Pose

Wrist Stretch


Warm-up (No Measure)

Teaching and Movement Prep

Chest to Bar Pull Ups – Around the Bar – Big Chest – Movement Prep

10 Scap Pull

5 Kip Swings

1-3 Strict Pull Ups (C2B if possible) {Scale Ring Row}

5 Lat Pressdowns (big kip with press down) {Scale Kipping Swings}

3 Pull Ups {Scale – Rings or Banded}

3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups {Scale to movement of the day}

Movement Subs:

Pull Up, Jumping C2B, Banded PU, Ring Row

Front Squats – Big Chest – Spread the Floor – Prep

Establish Front Rack

5 Pausing Front Squats (big chest)

5 Front Squats – slow on the way down spreading the floor

Burpees – Upper Body – Prep

6 Frog Hop

3 Pausing Burpees

3 Burpees

FRONT SQUAT WEIGHTLIFTING PORTION – 15 minutes to build to a heavy complex

Pause Front Squat +Front Squat (Heavy Set of 1 )

Work with a partner to help count the 2 second pause. Avoid bouncing out after the pause – drive straight up


15Min Time Cap

Then – rehearse the WOD

5 C2B Pull Ups

4 Front Squats 165/110

3 Burpees


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds:

10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

10 Front Squats (165/110)

10 Burpees

Level 1:


Scale to Regular Pull Ups

Level 2:


Scale to Banded PU or Jumping

Level 3:


Scale to Ring Row or Jumping


Warm-up (No Measure)


Squat Hold

Wrist Stretch

Childs Pose – Walk hands Left and Right

Categories: WOD

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