Crusher CrossFit – Waconia – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
**6AM Class will be cancelled effective next week
**7:30PM CrossFit will be Bootcamp for the next 4 weeks on Mon and Wed only. Tues and Thurs is still there!
**Fitness Reimbursement – It is now offered at Crusher! Yeah! Sign up online.
**Please no food in the kids area – and wash hands before entering!
Get Sweaty With a Light KB!
Good Mornings
High Pulls (use two arms instead of one)
Goblet Squats
Russian Swings
Hip/Squat Drills #2 (use light-mod. KB)
2 rounds
10 Goblet Squats (slow controlled)
10 Dynamic Pigeon Poses (5 each side)
10 Cossack Squats + 5-sec. Pause at each rep (5 each side, hold KB)
10 Wall Squats (slow controlled)
Warm-up (No Measure)
Rope-Climb Technique/Shoulder Prep
First review the various Rope-Climb techniques and the Shoulder-Prep movements.
Then, in partners, while one person works on the Rope-Climb portion, the other works on the Shoulder Prep.
P1) 5 Seated to Standing
P2) 5 reps Standing Letters holding two light plates
P1) 2-3 Rope Climbs (or Attempts, Box Climbs, or more Seated to Standing)
P2) 5-10 reps Standing Shoulder Elevation/Depression with Plates
KB and Workout Prep
With the same KB you used in the warm-up, as a group perform:
6 Split Squats (each side). When you switch legs, switch arms, too. Figure out which way is more comfortable to hold the KB depending on which leg is forward.
6 Press + 5-sec. Hold Overhead (each side)
Then, using workout weight, perform:
4 laps OH Carry (2 each arm)
6 Split Squats each side/arm
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds
4 laps 1-arm KB OH Carry (R)
9 1-arm KB Split Squats (R)
3 Rope Climbs
4 laps 1-arm KB OH Carry (L)
9 1-arm KB Split Squats (L)
KB: 53/35 lb.
Scale load of KB and to Seated Rope Climbs
Warm-up (No Measure)
Under the body shoulder stretch (30 secs e/s)
Child’s Pose (1-2 minutes while walking hands to left/center/right)