
Crusher CrossFit – Waconia – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Play Zip – Zap – Zop (Coach will explain!)

Round 1: 8 T-Rotation Push-ups (QUICK SCALE: Knee Push-ups)

Round 2: 16 Plank Shoulder Taps

Round 3: 4 6-Point Burpees

12 Days of Mobility: On The Ninth Day of Mobility …

1 min. Hip Distraction, each side

2×5 Partner Wall Slides

3 min. Back Bridge, accumulated

4 Shoulder Shrugs in a Handstand Hold

5 reps Spicy Hip Stretch, each side

6 Airplane Crash Victims, 3 each side, dynamic

7 Downward Dogs to Cobra and back

8 Lying Band Pulls, each side

9 Sit-ups to Pike + 9 Sit-ups to Straddle


Warm-up (No Measure)

Review and Prep for Split Jerks

Do a broad Split-Jerk review with the PVC, or a quicker, more brief version with the empty barbell.

Then, to work up to your weight, perform:

3×5 reps (drill technique under a moderate load)

3×3 reps

*Increase load each set, with the last set of 3 being just under your first weight.


Split Jerk (3-3-3-3-3)

Extra Credit

Warm-up (No Measure)

3-5 rounds

Alternate movements for 30 sec. on, 30 sec. off

Max Calorie Row


*30 sec. Row/30 sec. Rest/30 sec. Burpees/30 sec. Rest = 1 round.


Warm-up (No Measure)

Lie with legs up on wall (1-2 minutes)

Wall shoulder stretch (1 minute)

Long lunge sequence


Crusher CrossFit – Waconia – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Get Warm With Opposite Tabata (10 sec. on/20 sec. off)

4 rounds


Ring Rows, easy to moderate difficulty


DB Prep With a Light DB (20/15/10 lb.)

2 rounds

8 1-Arm Front Squats, each arm

50-m 1-Arm DB OH Carry, 25 m each arm

8 1-Arm DB High Pulls, each arm

50-m 1-Arm OH Walking Lunges, 25 m each arm

8 1-Arm DB Presses, each arm


Warm-up (No Measure)

Prep for Workout

With a set of dumbbells one load lighter than working weight, review the DB movements as:

DB Hang Squat Cleans: Front Squat—Hang Squat Clean

DB Clusters: Deadlift—Cluster

DB Woman-makers: Push-up + Row—Ground-to-Overhead

Briefly go through the Inverted Ring Row and its modifications.

Then, using workout weight, perform:

6 Hang Squat Cleans

6 Inverted Ring Rows

6 Clusters

6 Inverted Ring Rows

4 Woman-makers


Metcon (Time)

40 DB Hang Squat Cleans

30 Inverted Ring-Rows

30 DB Clusters

30 Inverted Ring Rows

20 DB Woman-makers

DB Load: 50/35 lb.
Level 1: 40/25

Level 2: 35/20

Level 3: 25/15/10


Warm-up (No Measure)

Lax ball to pecs and lats

Under the body shoulder stretch (1 minute e/s)

Spine Twists


Crusher CrossFit – Waconia – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


First, perform 10 reps each of Squat Warm-up Complex

In between each change of movement, perform 5 Half Handstands. On the last set, perform a max Handstand Hold against the wall.

12 Days of Mobility: On The Eighth Day of Mobility …

1 min. Hip Distraction, each side

2×5 Partner Wall Slides

3 min. Back Bridge, accumulated

4 Shoulder Shrugs in a Handstand Hold

5 reps Spicy Hip Stretch, each side

6 Airplane Crash Victims, 3 each side, dynamic

7 Downward Dogs to Cobra and back

8 Lying Band Pulls, each side


Warm-up (No Measure)

Inversion Complex

3-5 rounds

10-sec. Handstand Hold

10-sec. Handstand Shrugs

3 Strict HSPU


*Scale to Wall Walk Handstand Holds, or scale everything to Pike movements on a box or the ground.

Prep for Workout

With an empty barbell, as a group perform 10 Back Squats.

Then perform:

2 rounds

8 Back Squats + 16 Lateral Barbell Jumps.

4 HSPU (use workout modification)

*The second round should be done at working weight.


Metcon (Time)


Handstand Push-ups

Back Squats (115/75 lb.)

Lateral Barbell Jumps (double reps)

RX+: 135/95 lb.

Scaled Option:


Pike Push-ups

Back Squats

Lateral Barbell Hops (double reps)
Level 1: 95/65

Level 2: 85/55

Level 3: 45/35

Scale HSPU reps to 15-12-9 or 12-9-6

Scale to Lateral Jumps over a Plate or DB

Scale PPU reps to 15-12-9, then scale to Seated DB Presses


Warm-up (No Measure)

Roll out quads with barbell (1-2 minutes e/s)

Banded shoulder stretches

Couch stretch (1 minute e/s)


Crusher CrossFit – Waconia – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

100-m Jog

Walking Lunges + Samson Stretch

Toy Soldiers

High Knees

200-m Run

Butt Kickers

Karaoke Drill

100-m Run

Then, perform 5 reps of DB Burgener Warm-up using a light DB. (20/15/10 lb.)


Warm-up (No Measure)

Review and Prep the Hang Power Snatch

Chad’s Snatch Specific Warm-up. Use PVC, then Barbell (omit Squat)

Then, build up to working weight using:

8-6-4-2-2 reps

*Increase load each round with the last set of 2 done at your workout weight.

Prep for the Workout

100-m Run + 2 Hang Power Snatches

*Make any adjustments if needed.


Hang Power Snatch (1×2)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

As far as possible in 24 minutes

100-m Run

2 Hang Power Snatches (heavy)

*Every round, add 100-m Run

and 2 HPS
*Coach can give you alternatives if you would rather not run outside

Scale distance added each round (instead of adding 100 m, add 50 m)


Warm-up (No Measure)

KB Calf Smash (1 minute e/s)

Lax ball on rig to traps

Wrist and forearm stretches

WOD 4.11

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis nisl in est vulputate, eu finibus arcu mollis. Sed sodales ultricies sem, non condimentum tellus dapibus ac. Integer dictum tortor id augue hendrerit, blandit elementum purus fringilla. Vestibulum quis luctus nulla. Quisque in fringilla orci. Donec ullamcorper quis ligula sit amet tincidunt. Quisque arcu ligula, semper non est eu, dapibus egestas lectus. Donec vel nibh vel mauris aliquet sollicitudin.

Nam faucibus, massa quis iaculis egestas, quam metus placerat eros, vitae efficitur nisi elit a nibh. Quisque ac ipsum nunc. Cras commodo consequat tellus, et pretium ante sagittis eget. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis et velit lorem. Nunc non orci maximus, rhoncus magna in, pellentesque nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc rutrum, diam id dapibus condimentum, turpis nisl eleifend magna, at aliquet est arcu id eros. Aenean malesuada suscipit purus, in laoreet erat viverra a. Sed nec malesuada arcu.

Etiam euismod enim at dapibus consectetur. Aenean hendrerit risus ut dolor laoreet commodo eget in elit. Maecenas sed pharetra mi, quis sodales sapien. Nam nulla quam, iaculis id finibus sed, consequat a dui. Donec vitae est urna. Duis sit amet porta mi, quis gravida arcu. Phasellus ac sapien semper, viverra tortor quis, aliquam est. Mauris a diam leo. Donec nec leo id elit mollis tristique sit amet bibendum libero. Nullam pulvinar elementum turpis, elementum congue risus.

WOD 4.10

When you get into a good rhythm at the gym, it can be challenging to keep momentum during periods when you cannot be in the gym.  With the holiday season quickly approaching (I saw Christmas lights at Target already….) here are 10 workouts you can crush at home, your parents, in-laws…wherever the wind takes you!

  1. 10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

20 double unders/40 singles

100m run


  1.  10 rounds

5 burpees

10 push-ups

15 squats

  1.  2 rounds

50 squats

50 situps

40 double unders/80 singles

40 lunges

30 push-ups

30 double unders/singles


  1.  10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1




  1.  12 minute amrap

200m run

15 squats

15 push-ups


  1.  7 min burpees


  1.   4 rounds

20 squats

15 push-ups

1 v-ups


  1.  4 rounds

1 min each

Shuttle run



1 min rest at the end of each round



  1.  14m AMRAP

22 lunges

10 push-ups

15 sit-ups


  1.  20 push-ups

40 burpees

20 squats

30 burpees

20 lunges (Left+Right=1 lunge)

20 burpees

20 broad jumps

10 burpees


Looking forward to cooler weather and sweatpants,
