Crusher CrossFit – Waconia – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
First, perform 10 reps each of Squat Warm-up Complex
In between each change of movement, perform 5 Half Handstands. On the last set, perform a max Handstand Hold against the wall.
12 Days of Mobility: On The Eighth Day of Mobility …
1 min. Hip Distraction, each side
2×5 Partner Wall Slides
3 min. Back Bridge, accumulated
4 Shoulder Shrugs in a Handstand Hold
5 reps Spicy Hip Stretch, each side
6 Airplane Crash Victims, 3 each side, dynamic
7 Downward Dogs to Cobra and back
8 Lying Band Pulls, each side
Warm-up (No Measure)
Inversion Complex
3-5 rounds
10-sec. Handstand Hold
10-sec. Handstand Shrugs
3 Strict HSPU
*Scale to Wall Walk Handstand Holds, or scale everything to Pike movements on a box or the ground.
Prep for Workout
With an empty barbell, as a group perform 10 Back Squats.
Then perform:
2 rounds
8 Back Squats + 16 Lateral Barbell Jumps.
4 HSPU (use workout modification)
*The second round should be done at working weight.
Metcon (Time)
Handstand Push-ups
Back Squats (115/75 lb.)
Lateral Barbell Jumps (double reps)
RX+: 135/95 lb.
Scaled Option:
Pike Push-ups
Back Squats
Lateral Barbell Hops (double reps)
Level 1: 95/65
Level 2: 85/55
Level 3: 45/35
Scale HSPU reps to 15-12-9 or 12-9-6
Scale to Lateral Jumps over a Plate or DB
Scale PPU reps to 15-12-9, then scale to Seated DB Presses
Warm-up (No Measure)
Roll out quads with barbell (1-2 minutes e/s)
Banded shoulder stretches
Couch stretch (1 minute e/s)