The Top 5 Functional Foods

If you’re more couch potato than health nut you want to take advantage of all the tips and tricks that you can. If you forget to take your vitamins or would rather skip the extra burpees then there is a great way to improve your health with 0 extra effort!

Functional foods are foods that have a health benefit beyond just their basic macronutrient content. Since eating is something you have to do, it makes sense to eat foods that give you the most bang for your buck.

Here are the five most important functional foods you can start adding to your diet today:

1. Green Tea
2. Sauerkraut
3. Blueberries
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
5. Turmeric

1.Green Tea
Rather than reaching for that second coffee try having a cup of green tea instead! Green tea contains many polyphenols like EGCG, a catechin containing antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and provide other benefits. Green tea can give you a mental with the potent combination of theanine and a low amount of caffeine. This helps you stay alert and focused without getting the jitters and an eventual crash. Try brewing a cup of green tea when you need a pick-me-up.

2. Sauerkraut
This sour fermented cabbage dish ranks high on the list of functional foods. High in vitamins A, C, K, and folate, sauerkraut can boost your immune system and support brain health. It’s also high in fiber which can help support your gut bacteria and improve digestive health. Sauerkraut also contains glucosinolates and ascorbigen, compounds that are known for their anti-carcinogenic properties. Add sauerkraut to sandwiches, salads, or have it on it’s own!

3. Blueberries
Blueberries are a powerhouse fruit that make for a great snack at any time. They are low glycemic so they won’t have a big impact on blood sugar and have numerous health benefits as well. Blueberries get their rich dark blue color from their abundance of anthocyanin which explains their high antioxidant content. Anthocyanins reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, and cancer. Add frozen blueberries to your favorite smoothie and keep fresh blueberries around for snacking.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is often considered to be an old wives tale, a home grown remedy that will fix any ailment. It may not be a cure-all but Apple cider vinegar is certainly a functional food you can benefit from. Produced through fermentation a combination of yeast and beneficial bacteria called the “mother” float in the beverage containing B-vitamins, probiotics, and polyphenols. Research has also found that taking 20 grams of apple cider vinegar significantly lowered post meal blood glucose levels. If you need a little help with digestion try adding some apple cider vinegar to a glass or water or mix it with olive oil for a tangy salad dressing.

5. Turmeric
Turmeric has been a staple in Indian cooking for thousands of years. It contains a compound called curcumin which has been shown to have numerous health benefits. Curcumin is a potent anti-Inflammatory, that may also help with chronic disease, depression, and possesses anti-carcinogenic properties. It has also been shown to boost brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a type of growth hormone that functions in your brain. Don’t be afraid to get your curry on!

There you have it, the top 5 functional foods you should add to your diet today!

COVID-19 and 5 Immune Boosting Nutrients

#CrusherNutrition has partnered with our team at Healthy Steps Nutrition – to put together a list of 5 essential nutrients, to support your immune system.  During this time – one thing we can control – is what we put down the hatch!  To help protect from illness and boost your immune system, include the following in your diet.  If you need help with your nutrition, and guidance with these steps – email Jen@CrusherCrossFit.Com for more information!  We are here to make humans healthier and happier.


    1. Protein
      Protein plays a role in the body’s immune system, especially for healing and recovery. Eat a variety of protein foods including seafood, lean meat, poultry, eggs, beans and peas, soy products and nuts and seeds.
    2. Vitamin A
      Vitamin A helps regulate the immune system and protect against infections by keeping skin and tissues in the mouth, stomach, intestines and respiratory system healthy. Get this immune-boosting vitamin from foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, spinach, red bell peppers, apricots, eggs or foods fortified with vitamin A.
    3. Vitamin C
      Vitamin C helps protect you from infection by encouraging antibodies and boosting immunity. Include more sources of this healthy vitamin in your diet by consuming citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit and tangerines, or red bell pepper, papaya, strawberries, tomato or foods fortified with vitamin C.
    4. Vitamin E
      Vitamin E is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and improves immune system function. Obtain adequate vitamin E in your diet with consumption of fortified cereals, sunflower seeds, almonds, vegetable oils, hazelnuts and peanut butter.
    5. Zinc
      Zinc helps the immune system work properly and assists with wound healing. Zinc food sources include lean meats, poultry, seafood, milk, whole grain products, beans, seeds and nuts.

Additionally there are other nutrients that may influence immune response and play a role in a healthy immune boosting diet, including vitamin B6, folate, selenium, iron, as well as prebiotics and probiotics.

*Disclaimer: obtaining these nutrients from foods is preferred, so be sure to speak with your healthcare provider and/or a registered dietitian nutritionist before taking any immune-boosting supplements.

Ashley Osterman
Director of Nutrition Education
Healthy Steps Nutrition

Where does alcohol fit into your training?

Since about 7000 B.C., alcohol has been a staple for gatherings in many cultures. You may have heard that wine can actually be a healthy beverage for your heart, or that a hot toddy when you’re sick makes you get better quickly. Are these claims true? Like most answers: yes and no. It depends on a myriad of things like your genetics and the way your body processes alcohol, additives and the quality of the booze you’re consuming.

So where does this fit into your life? If you’ve ever wondered if you should avoid it all together, or can have a glass or two of your favorite red or microbrew, this article is for you.

Let’s talk about the science of alcohol. What’s in it that gives us that fuzzy feeling?

  • The answer: ethanol. This substance absorbs into our bloodstream and causes a “depressing effect” on the systems in our bodies.Our reaction times slows, stress and anxiety are reduced, and the body altogether slows down.

Weightlifting and exercise in general generate metabolic waste for the body to process. The liver is instrumental in clearing these waste byproducts from the body. If you are working hard in your training you may be putting a hefty load of work on your liver. Make sure that if you are exercising and enjoy a few drinks you are getting ample rest and recovery to keep your body in balance.

There is also the additional calories to consider when it comes to alcohol. If you are trying to lose fat then there is most likely no room in your diet for excess calories. You want your primary calories to come from lean protein, fibrous vegetables, and heart healthy fats. Replacing some of those calories with alcohol put you at risk for nutrient deficiencies. Not only that, but after a few drinks you may become tempted to reach for foods that don’t support your body compositional goals.  Let’s be honest… You can’t say you have a few drinks an then go find a kale salad??

Consuming alcohol doesn’t make you unhealthy or a bad person. Just like anything else you consume, it can have a place if you are responsible and keep it in balance with your health and wellness goals.  Need more help or advice on what your calories should look like?  Send us an email at Coach@CrusherCrossFit.Com to set up a free consult or get some nutrition help!


Avoid this BIG Mistake on Thanksgiving…

Thanksgiving is here… and the common theme is being discussed.  “I am going to fast all day to save up my calories for the BIG meal!”  Or, “I am skipping breakfast and lunch so that I can indulge at dinner.”

Guys and gals… Don’t do it!  Big Mistake!  Skipping your meals or “saving up” for the big meal is going to seriously back fire on you.  You will end up being so hungry by the time the food arrives, that you will in turn over eat, and regret your decision.  I do understand that there are some people that do well with intermittent fasting.  If you are trained in this and know what you are doing, than more power to you.  But for the rest of us, treat it like any other day.

Here are a few tips to keep you in check this Thanksgiving, but still enjoying some of your favorites:

    • Eat breakfast that includes a healthy amount of protein – this will help you curb your appetite during the day.  It would be great to eat a well rounded breakfast with some healthy carbohydrates (fruits, veggie, steel cut oats etc) and a healthy fat (avocado).
    • Get a quick workout in and start your day right.  Crusher has classes at 8am and 9:30am!  Come on in!
    • Water is your friend.  Stay hydrated a lot of water.
    • Start your big meal with a salad or vegetables.  Do not start with bread or or the heavier foods.  If you start with the salad or vegetables, this will help you with overall caloric intake.
    • Chew your food and enjoy the conversation of those around you!  This will help you not rush into it and shove your face without realizing you are full.
    • If you are full – put your fork down.
    • Plan for the day after – have healthy meals prepped and a workout class scheduled.  This will help keep you in check and back on track.  These big holiday meals are the exception – they aren’t a rule.  Meaning, we get one, and then back on track.


Are You Living Your Best Life?

We hear this a lot… “Be your best self!”  Or “Living your best life.”  And there are so many different meanings behind this.  But in order to actually live our best life.. we need to take care of our body and what goes in it.  Did you know, you can choose how you treat your body?

There are a lot of areas in life where “good enough” can be the goal. Ultimately you have a finite amount of time on this planet and if a task is not important to you then you want to outsource it or put in the minimum effective dose of effort so you can move on with your day. 

There are also many areas where you should put in your very best work. When it comes to movement you want to be strong and pain-free. When you do your taxes you ensure that they are accurate and timely. When you spend time with the ones you love you put the phone away and are fully present in the moment. 

One area that often gets the “good enough” treatment is your diet and nutrition. When life gets busy or making healthy choices becomes inconvenient the spectrum of foods you consume tends to take a dive in quality. Rather than let slide occur in favor of other activities that seem more important, you may find it worth your while to optimize your diet and nutrition. Here’s why:

    • Even if the doctor says you are healthy, you are happy with the way you look, and you can’t stand cooking – nutrition is one area that literally transcends into ALL areas of your life.
    • If you only ever aim for the minimum in your diet then you are capping your maximum potential in how much you can lift, creatively solve problems, and even love your family.
    • We often treat food as an activity that gets scheduled into the day. Food breaks up the workday and provides structure in the evening. It is a social affair with the family or a way to do business.

The foods you consume during the day are the driving force behind all of this. They not only provide the immediate nutrients needed to fuel your physical and mental performance but are also the long term building blocks for every cell in your body. Every bite you chew or sip you take is going to be broken down into the amino acids that build your muscles and organs. The fats and oils become the cell walls that handle communication between cells in your body and control processes like your immune system function and inflammatory response. The vitamins and minerals will help your body create the energy it needs to keep you moving and eliminating toxins from your body.

Scientists have even found links between our gut bacteria and neurological disease. The foods you are eating today and the way your prioritize diet could determine your likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease later in life. (This right here should be enough of a reason WHY you CHOOSE nutrition to be a focus)
The way you choose to eat is affecting the way you live, both today and 40 years from now. If you want to be your best self for your family, your career, and the things you care about accomplishing in life then taking care of your nutrition is not a “nice to have”. It’s a must.

Not sure where to get started? Start by having a conversation with one of our coaches today.  Jen@CrusherCrossFit.Com for More information.  You GOT this!

Make Your Breakfast 10% Better

You’ve heard it before. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” It’s become cliche. And like so many aphorisms you lose an important message when you overlook it. 

A healthy breakfast can support your physical and mental performance. If you are trying to excel, grow, and make changes to your body or in your life then you need the proper fueling regimen to get you there.

Have you ever crashed during your workout? Felt mentally foggy or weak on a particular day? There’s probably a correlation with your nutrition. Whether it can be drawn back to the days breakfast or the long term effects of neglected nutrition you can probably find a link.

To get the results you want need to pay attention to your nutrition. Some people do better with big changes. But today let’s just focus on how you can make your breakfast 10% better. 

There are so many benefits of eating a healthy breakfast. Of course improved performance is one, but eating breakfast has also been shown to reduce food cravings later in the day. It can also improve mental clarity and boost energy.

Our bodies are complex machines and the benefits of breakfast impacts the way our body operates for the day. Eating breakfast affects neurotransmitter production, electrolyte balance, blood sugar levels and more. Our bodies operate with best with certain types of fuel and the right ratio of carbs, fat and protein to perform at their best. But before you reach for your Cornflakes chill for a second. Not all breakfasts are created equal.  

So what are the makings of a great breakfast?

Choosing high quality proteins, healthy fats, and low glycemic carbs is a great start to make your breakfast 10% better!

Increasing protein intake is one of the best decisions you can make for your nutrition, especially at breakfast. Protein contains high quality amino acids that will keep you satiated and prevent cravings later in the day. Try to eat some solid protein such as meat or eggs. If you need a quick option try keeping hard boiled eggs and greek yogurt on hand. They are easy options to scarf down quickly or grab on your way out the door to work. Protein shakes are also good but whole foods are best. People who consume liquid protein in the morning don’t get the same satiety benefits and still tend to overeat later in the day. Use protein shakes only if no other options are available or you are going to exercise first thing in the morning and need something fast digesting.

For fats look for foods like nuts, seeds, and avocados. These foods provide healthy monounsaturated fat and are chock full of vitamins and minerals as well. Rotating through different fats will ensure you have diversity in your diet and prevent excessive intake of any one food. A handful of nuts, an avocado packet, or some chia pudding are all easy grab and go options for healthy breakfast fats.

For carbs at breakfast you should take a less is more approach. Focus on low glycemic carbs such as leafy greens and broccoli. Dark berries are also great choice when fresh and in season. This will give you some additional fuel for your day. Try to avoid highly processed foods that will spike your blood sugar and have you craving carbs and making energy levels crash throughout the day. 

For more nutritional and training strategies get in touch with coach Jen today!  Crusher Nutrition can help take your performance to the next level!  Jen@CrusherCrossFit.Com

What should I eat post workout?

What is the best snack for after a workout?

The timing and type of snack you eat after a workout depends on your exercise frequency.

If you CrossFit 3-4 days per week for the overall fitness, fun, and health benefits with an alternate day schedule, your healthy meals should be adequate to replenish your glycogen stores (energy) so that you are ready for your next workout.

If you CrossFit every day, or more than once per day, then the carbohydrate timing is much more crucial. If you just finished a workout and your next scheduled workout is less than 24 hours away, get snackin’!

The guidance below is based on a “real food first” philosophy. Practically, we know that for convenience, sometimes a pre-packaged item is going to be needed and so some of those items are also included.

Who: Athletes who work out daily, multiple times per day, or will have their workout in less than 24 hours.

Immediately (ideally within 30 minutes): Simple Carbohydrate (These are broken down quickly to be used for energy)

    • Fit Aid, Milk (white or chocolate), Fruit or Fruit pouch, Coconut Water, White Potato, Fruit Juice, Sports Drink, Sports Gel, Granola bar.


These items typically go down easily after intense workouts, when it is imperative to ingest carbohydrate, but the body may feel food averse.


Within 2 hours: Nutrient Dense, Complex Carbohydrates and Quality Protein.  (The difference between complex and simple carbs, is how quickly they break down)

    • Beans, Peas, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Rice, Quinoa, Oatmeal, Barley, Whole-Grain Bread or Cereal or Crackers or pasta with Chicken, Fish, Eggs, Beef, Pork, Tofu, etc.


“But Coach, what about a beer?”  That’s a whole different blog post!

Why Collagen?

Why is Collagen such a favorite?  

Collagen is a protein structure found in all animals, including humans, that gives structure to our bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair, nails, and many other vital body tissues. Think of it as the frame of your house. 

The lean-meat protein you find in other supplements is great for muscle building. But your body is made up of other types of protein, including collagen.

In an extreme simplification of human metabolism, it makes sense that to produce healthy collagen structures ourselves, we need to eat the things that make it, and the easiest way to do that is to consume the collagen of animals.

The most ancient way of getting collagen is through making bone broth or slow-cooking bone-in cuts of meat and eating everything that you can. These are still great options but don’t appeal to everyone.

Another option is to use a collagen supplement. These supplements are virtually tasteless and can be blended into beverages and foods that you already enjoy. A scoop in your morning coffee or tea? Mixed into a smoothie? Stirred into yogurt?

Human Random Control Trials suggest that collagen protein consumption of 10 grams per day can:

  • Reduce joint pain
  • Improve hair and nail strength/texture
  • Reduce the depth of wrinkles
  • Improve bone density when paired with other bone-building foods/supplements

As with other supplements that support tissue health, such as glucosamine and chondroitin, it is essential to be both consistent and patient giving yourself multiple weeks to determine if the addition of collagen is beneficial for your body. 

Where can I buy Collagen?  You will see it all over now in many stores – please check the ingredients to ensure you are getting a clean product.  And by clean, if you don’t know what an ingredient is…. Google it!   We sell the brand by Equip Foods at Crusher – and it is a clean form.  Come give it a try!


On the Go Eating

Carver County – Healthy Options

If you want to eat out, but you also want to stay close on track to your zone blocks, here are some suggestions from local establishments.


Subway –

6 inch lower fat choice (turkey, roast beef, chicken breast, (men – double the meat), skip the cheese (it is so processed anyway) add a drizzle of oil or light mayo.

Chopped Salad with lots of veggies, skip the cheese, and oil and vinegar for dressing. – You may be slightly short on carbs here, order a bag of sliced apples with it.

Jimmy Johns –

Order one of the club sandwiches with double meat and have them take out the bread. Also have them cut it in half. Use it for two meals. An unwhich will not get you near the needed carbohydrates, so don’t be fooled by the lettuce!

Smashburger –

Order a burger on the multigrain bun. Ensure you include the avocado to get your fats. Men – Feel free to eat the entire bun with a side salad. Women – If you are looking to have a side with your burger, lose at least half of the bun and chose the side salad as well. With their burgers, order the bigger patty so you get your protein!

Rey Azteca –

Order fajitas and eat either the rice or the beans, not both, no tortillas.

Order the Chicken Salad and then eat about 10 delicious, fresh corn chips with salsa or a small beer for your extra carbohydrates. Add salsa to your salad as a dressing if you’d like.

Victoria House –

“Light and Healthy” – it is on the lunch menu, but you can order it at dinner time too, your choice of chicken, beef, or salmon. Sub fresh fruit for the cottage cheese.

You can order virtually any dinner with double fresh veggies and no potatoes.

Looking for more advice on a healthy option at a local restaurant?
Send us an email at – We would be happy to help!