
C44, Crusher CrossFit Kids & Teens – C44


Warm-up (No Measure)

Light Medball

Light-moderate plate

Light KB (warmup)

Moderate KB (workout)


Warm-up (No Measure)


1 time through Tabata timer, alternating movements:

-Jumping jacks



30 second each side-

Banded hamstring distraction

Banded hamstring flossing

Core activation:

4 rounds:

30 seconds MB Russian Twists

(scale to unweighted)

Rest 15 seconds

30 seconds Plate Good mornings

Rest 15 seconds

Prep for workout with light KB-

10 KB deadlifts

5 Russian KB swings

5 American swings

With workout KB-

10 KBS

:15 second plank


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Every Other Minute On the Minute:
 12 Minutes, alternating:

45 seconds Kettlebell Swings

45 seconds Plank Hold

*Must stop at 45 seconds. Score KBS reps
Scale to 30 seconds of work

Plank to knees or hands on box


Warm-up (No Measure)

Grab a box and a lax ball and smash hamstrings. 1-2min each side.

Banded hamstring distraction. 30 seconds each side

Banded hamstring flossing. 30 seconds each side

If time permits- legs up the wall. 2+min

Categories: WOD

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