Crusher CrossFit – Waconia – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Minute Rig Run – Warm up your bod, get loose!
Then – Warm Up With a Light KB or DB
10 Reps of Each Movement:
KB Presses, each arm
KB Deadlifts
100-m KB Carry in Front-Rack position, 50 m each arm
KB Halos
KB Windmills
100-m KB Carry in Overhead position, 50 m each arm
KB Pass Throughs
KB Up and Overs
100-m KB Single-Arm Farmers Carry, 50 m each arm
1 min. Hip Distraction, each side
5 Wall Slides
3-5 back bridge attempts
4 Plank Shoulder Shrugs
5 reps Spicy Hip Stretch, each side
6 Airplane Crash Victims, 3 each side, dynamic
7 Downward Dogs to Cobra and back
Warm-up (No Measure)
Review KB Movements
Review the SDHP and Clean and Jerk with the light KB. Perform as:
Deadlift—Shrug—High Pull—SDHP
Power Clean—Jerk
*Perform as many reps as needed until moving well.
Prep for Workout
8 Kipping Swings + 4 Pull-ups (To scale, perform attempts, or just perform the Kipping Swings.)
4 SDHP + 4 Clean and Jerks (workout weight)
4 Pull-ups + 4 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups (use workout modification)
4 SDHP + 4 Clean and Jerks (workout weight)
Metcon (Time)
50-40-30-20-10 – Done with a Partner
Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
KB SDHP (53/35 lb.)
KB Power Clean and Jerks
RX+ 70/53
Scaled options:
Regular pull-ups
Pull-ups with a band
Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
Scale KB load
Warm-up (No Measure)
Banded shoulder stretches
Forearm and wrist stretches
Couch stretch