Teens Who CrossFit – Alec

Up to the Challenge

Alec – Junior at Waconia High School

What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
I think the biggest thing that brought me to crossfit is the community. Crossfit is a very challenging activity but with the community there supporting you it feels a lot easier and more inviting.

What was your first impression? How has that changed?
At first I was very intimidated of Crossfit as a whole but after working through on-ramp and relearning everything, I felt way more confident and I became way more interested in Crossfit

What was your first “proud moment?”
My proudest moment at Crusher was when I got my first bar muscle up and ring muscle up in the same day

What are you working on now?
Right now I’m trying to get more hip movement in my snatch and clean and jerk.

What is your favorite Crusher Memory?
My favorite Crusher memory so far has to be my first open workout. It’s so fun to see everyone there cheering you on like a sports game.