
C44 – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Heavy KB (mobility)

Jump rope

2 light DB (warmup)

2 moderate DB (workout)

Moderate Slam ball


Warm-up (No Measure)

Start with some calf mobility-

KB calf smash (1-2min e/s)


20 seconds: single unders

20 seconds: pushups to downdog

20 seconds: single unders

20 seconds: Inchworms

20 seconds: Single unders

20 seconds: Alt. Samson Stretch


Jumping drills-

15 seconds double/single taps facing wall

15 seconds double/single taps facing away from wall

15 seconds double taps lateral to wall

With jump rope-

15 seconds single unders

15 seconds higher single unders

15 seconds double under practice

Shoulder prep-

With a set of light DB perform 5 reps of each-

Single Arm Strict press (each side)

Single Arm Push press


With workout weights perform:

5 push press each side

10 ball slams

15 DU/30 singles


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 min AMRAP:

10 single arm push press (5 each side)

20 Ball Slams

30 Double Unders
Scaled options:

Lighter weights

60 Single Unders or plate fast feet


Warm-up (No Measure)

Grab KB back out and perform-

KB calf smash (1-2 min e/s)

5x Down dog to child’s pose (hold each position 5 seconds)

Under the body stretch (30 seconds each side)

Categories: WOD

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