Crusher CrossFit – Waconia – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Warm Up:
Tabata Timer – Alternate Movements
Jump Rope
Air Squat
Jump Rope
Push Up
2 Rounds
5 Sumo Squats
5 Regular Squats
5 Narrow Squats
Grab a PVC
2 Rounds
5 PVC Pass Throughs
5 PVC Around the World
5 PVC OH Squats
Flag Pole Stretch with PVC
Ankle Stretch – Lunge Position, Drive knee forward
Warm-up (No Measure)
Warm Up Movements for WOD
Handstand Push Up (Scale – Seated DB Press {Heavy DB} or Pike Push Up)
5 Push Ups
5 Pike Push Ups
15 Second Handstand Hold (Or Wall Climb/DB OH hold)
5 Handstand Negatives (Or DB Negatives)
5 Handstand Push Ups/ DB Press/Pike Push Up
Discuss the different variations of a pistol and have class all perform a couple reps of each to warm up
-Assisted Pistols – Using Boxes, Benches or Bands
-Now Spend 3-5 Minutes warming up the pistol progression that works for you
OH Squat:
Grab Barbell – as a class review the OH Squat
5 Behind the neck push press
5 Pause OH Squats
5 OH Squats
*Now Build to your workout weight – this should be light and able to be done in 1-2 sets
Double Unders: (scale today is to do 60 singles or 30 fast feet)
15 Quick Singles
15 High Jumping Singles
15 Double Unders
1 Handstand Push Up (Pike or DB Press)
3 Pistols Each Leg
9 Double Unders
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20 Minute AMRAP
5 Handstand Push Ups
10 Pistols
15 OH Squats 95/65
30 Double Unders
RX+ Deficit HSPU to 45# plates
5 Pike Push Ups or a Heavy Seated DB Press (pike position on floor)
10 Assisted Pistols
15 OHS (Light weight)
60 Singles
The OHS should be something you can do unbroken when fresh today. Nothing should really hold you back too much – however it is a great WOD to pick one of the 4 movements to work on if you want some practice.
Warm-up (No Measure)
LAX Ball to traps – use pole on the rig – 60 seconds a side
LAX Ball to glutes
Foam Roll Lats