Crusher CrossFit – Waconia – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Why should I do the CrossFit Open?
*It is a fun community event with all of your Crusher family!
*It is a chance to try something new in the comfort of our own gym with our own members/coaches
*It is a great way to test your fitness and compete against yourself!
PVC Straight Legs Swings (30 Right / 30 Left)
Straight Leg Walkouts
40 Seconds each
Lateral Hops Over PVC Pipe
Active Spidermans
20 Seconds each
Forward and Back Hops Over PVC
Air Squats
Modified Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Snatch Grip Push Press
5 Overhead Squats
5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
15 PVC Pass Throughs
PVC Lat Stretch: 45 Seconds Each Side
15 PVC Overhead Squats – slow and controlled
Warm-up (No Measure)
Double Under Prep
Establish Wrist Position
20 Seconds Easy Single Unders
20 Seconds Higher Single Unders
20 Seconds Double Under Practice
Bar MU Prep
10 Scap Pull-ups
5 Kip Swings
5 Lat Press Downs
3 Press-Kick-Pops
1 Bar Muscle-up
Snatch Prep-with empty barbell
5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5 Snatch High Pulls
3 High Hang Power Snatches
3 Hang Power Snatches
3 Power Snatches
Then, build to workout weight
1 Round
10 Double Unders
2 Power Snatches
10 Double Unders
1 Bar Muscle-up
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 minute AMRAP
25 Double Unders
5 Power Snatches (135/95)
25 Double Unders
5 Bar Muscle-ups
Level 1: 115/75
Level 2: 95/65
Level 3: 45/35/15
Reduce DU reps, switch to 30 seconds of DU attempts, or 40 singles
Reduce number of MU, or scale to 10 pull ups/ring rows
Warm-up (No Measure)
Wrist and forearm mobility
Lax ball to traps and between shoulder blades