01/25/2019 CF

Crusher CrossFit – Waconia – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Warm Up:

First round done as a class – second and third at your own pace

3 Rounds

200m Run (or 6 laps)

8 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (4 each side)

8 Push Ups

8 Jumping Air Squats

Then break off and grab a barbell once you are complete.


Warm-up (No Measure)

Movement Prep

DEADLIFT – grab barbell

10 Deadlifts – 1-5 Pause on coaches call, 6-10 at athletes pace

3 x 5 DL to build to workout weight – Do these as a class so the first two sets are with the coach

1 x 5 Deadlift at workout weight – WOD tempo

WALLBALL – Get WOD weight

5 Wallballs with 2 sec pause in the bottom “Squat and hold – Throw” – Work on Depth here.

10 wallballs at WOD tempo


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

The deadlift weight should be 60% or less of your 1RM – being able to do 5-10 reps at a good pace in WOD.

AMRAP in 12 min of:


Wallballs (20/14)

Deadlifts (225/155)

RX+ 265/185 (or 60% of 1rm if heavier then 225)

Level 1:

Same reps and Wallballs


Level 2:

14/10# WB


Level 3:


10/8# WB


Ring Dips (1 x Max Set )

Warm up with 2 x 3 Strict ring rips


One attempt to find max reps of strict ring dips. Scale would be assisted strict. Have a partner with you to help count and motivate.


Warm-up (No Measure)


Green Band –

Banded Hamstring Stretch – 1 Minute each direction each side

Center – Drop leg to left – Drop leg to right.

Categories: WOD

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